
Santa Claus Cards

By Kelley Stryer December 8, 2011

Santa Holiday Card

Using Your Child's Hand Print

Every year one of our count down to Christmas activities is to make Holiday cards. This year we made these darling keepsake hand-print cards for family, friends, and teachers.

What you Need:

8 1/2 x 11 Green and Red Construction Paper or Cardstock (Cardstock is sturdier)

Googly eyes

Tempura Paint: white, red, pink (mix white and red to make the pink)

Black Sharpie

Kids' hands!


·         Fold green paper in half to make a card

·         Put white paint on a paper plate and have your child dip his/her palm in it to cover completely

·         Make an upside down hand print towards the bottom of the paper

·         Let dry

·         Cut out Santa hats (make them so the tip is on the paper)

·         Glue hats onto paper about 2 fingers above the hand print

·         Dip fingertips into white paint to make the white trim and tip on Santa's hat

·         Dip fingertips into red paint to make nose and pink paint to make cheeks

·         Glue on googly eyes

·         Using a black Sharpie, draw a little circle for the mouth