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Soak up the Sun at NCC Beaches

By NCC June 25, 2020

The National Capital Commission’s (NCC) beaches in Gatineau Park and at Leamy Lake Park opened on Monday, June 22, 2020, for the summer season.

Every day, from 10 am to 6 pm, users will be able to enjoy the O’Brien, Blanchet, Breton and La Pêche Lake beaches in Gatineau Park, as well as Leamy Lake beach, from 10 am to 7 pm. Lifeguards will be on duty during these hours. Various facilities such as washrooms, change rooms and picnic tables will also be available for users. Parking fees will be in effect starting July 2, 2020.

This year, Parent Beach and Smith Beach are accessible only to those staying at the Philippe Lake campground.

The NCC urges beach-goers to be cautious and keep personal safety in mind. Swimmers must obey signage posted on the beaches and in the change rooms, as well as the measures in place to ensure compliance with public health directives on physical distancing. They must also respect the designated hours when the beaches are supervised, and stay within the swimming areas marked by buoys.

Water sample testing results

 Water sample tests taken on June 18-19, 2020, at the following beaches meet bacteriological standards for swimming.

  • Meech Lake, Gatineau Park
    O’Brien Beach: Class A (excellent for swimming)
    Blanchet Beach: Class A (excellent for swimming)
  • Philippe Lake, Gatineau Park
    Breton Beach: Class A (excellent for swimming)
    Parent Beach (for campers only): Class A (excellent for swimming)
    Smith Beach (for campers only): Class A (excellent for swimming)
  • La Pêche Lake, Gatineau Park
    La Pêche Lake beach: Class A (excellent for swimming)
  • Leamy Lake, Gatineau
    Leamy Lake beach: Class A (excellent for swimming)

Users can consult the interactive map on water quality throughout the summer.

Canoes, kayaks and other non-motorized boats are available for rent at both Philippe and La Pêche lakes.

Breton Beach has a wheelchair access ramp into the water. A chair lift is also available. 

Parking passes

  • Daily access
    For beaches at Meech Lake (July 2 to September 7, 2020, 9 am to 7 pm): $12 per vehicle; $35 per mini-bus; $58 per bus; half rate after 3 pm.
    Philippe and La Pêche lakes (July 2 to September 7, 2020, 8 am to 8 pm): $12 per vehicle; $35 per mini-bus; $58 per bus; half rate after 5 pm.
    Leamy Lake Park (July 2 to September 7, 2020, 7 am to 10 pm): $1.50/30 minutes; $9 maximum/daily per vehicle; $25/day per mini-bus.
  • Season parking pass
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, season parking passes will not be available for purchase this summer.



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