
Consider Buying One Less Gift and Make a Donation Instead

By Sara-Lynne Levine December 17, 2020

Before Hanukah began, my husband and I sat down with the kids to share an idea.

Instead of eight nights of presents (like we normally do each year), what if we took the money we would use to buy presents for a few nights and made a donation to a local charity?

Not even hesitating, both kids agreed. It warmed our hearts and made us proud.

So, that's our challenge for you... why not buy one gift less for your kids or your family, and make a donation to a local charity?

2020 has sucked for most people this year, but there has been a lot to be grateful for.

  • Our family has spent some really amazing quality time together
  • No one in our family is sick or in a long-term care facility
  • We all learned what's really important to each other
  • We learned we really need very little "stuff"
  • We've learned a lot about gratitude
  • Our kids wore us down and we got a puppy.

Many people have not been as lucky as we have. Many people have gotten sick, several have died. So many are out of work or in danger of losing their business. It's been a rough year and charities need our help and support more than ever.

Pick a charity, or have your kids select a charity and make a donation. Over the holidays perhaps try and order from a local restaurant, support your local business and charities wherever you can.

We have made a donation to the Ottawa Food Bank and we hope you will consider a donation as well.

Wishing you a happy holiday season.
