
From the Publisher

What a Year It's Been

March 11, 2021

Last year on Friday, March 12, 2020, I was invited onto CBC's Ottawa Morning with Robyn Bresnahan to talk about March Break staycations.

Arriving in the studio for the 8am segment, I had made a point to check in the afternoon before with local museums, skating rinks, parks and rec facilities, and other kid friendly fun places to visit. All planned to be open for the March Break and ready to welcome visitors.

By 3pm that Friday afternoon, all the places that planned to be open had closed and thus began the pandemic at home. 

That Sunday, my husband headed to pick up our older son from university. We hunkered down, bought lots of toilet paper and watched daily briefings from the prime minister. 

As the months moved on, and the weather warmed, we continued to stay at home. We baked, we did puzzles, we read, watched all the Netflix, bought hand sanitizer and masks, cut our own hair, cleaned out closets and spent a lot of time together.

School began and we were all at home. A puppy joined our family and became a welcome distraction from the monotony  and daily repetitiveness. Holidays came and went and we were all at home. 

As we approach the one year anniversary of the pandemic, I'm filled with gratitude that we are doing well. It's been a long and lonely year. We haven't seen family and loved ones and we miss them dearly. Our kids have made sacrifices, staying at home and away from friends to ensure germs are kept at bay and our risk of exposure remains low. 

I'm also angry when I see people who are not taking care, not staying at home when they should, not wearing masks and not doing what they can to reduce the risks for the rest of us. 

I'm hopeful that the vaccines will soon be plentiful enough so that I can be vaccinated and re-enter society in some form.  I'm so so lucky I'm able to work from home, things can be delivered, my husband enjoys running errands and we are all in a place where we know how fortunate we are for our health. 

I am in awe of the working parents with young kids who have made it work. Those who have struggled to balance work and kids. It's been such a tough year for so many.

I hope in some small way Macaroni Kid has helped you. From articles, hacks, activities and tips, we've tried to share ideas to make your lives a little bit easier.

We continue to create meaningful content and welcome feedback and suggestions.

We've made it this far. We are all in this together. We're hopeful that the end is in sight.

Wishing you all well,
