
Pumpkins for the Planet

Don't Toss Your Pumpkin

October 28, 2022

As exciting as pumpkin decorating can be, they are also a delicious source of food! Before tossing your pumpkin, please help OSEAN, RPCA, Foodsharing Ottawa & Food for Thought on November 1-3 by donating your pumpkin to their 'Pumpkin Alley'. Last year they were able to collect 1000+ pumpkins after Halloween. 


Drop off your carved or intact pumpkins starting November 1 at Ernie Calcutt Park.

Come take a walk through Pumpkin Alley to see all the pumpkins that will be donated to local farms and Ottawa Food Centers.

Carved pumpkins will go to local farms to become food for animals or to improve soil health for crops.

They are working with some amazing food organizations who will be transforming your intact pumpkins into delicious and nutritious food for residents experiencing food insecurity.

This is an incredible initiative to help combat food waste and help our local Ottawa community. Consider volunteering as a family at the event! 

Farms include: Arc Acres Stanley's Ole Maple Farm, @Madahoki Farm  Kiwan Farms 

Food Centres include: Orléans-Cumberland CRC @Dalhousie Food Cupboard @Heron Emergency Food Centre @Debra Dynes Family House CRC Rideau-Rockcliffe CRC 

                          Pumpkins for the Planet, 1 November | Event in Ottawa |

See below for a map of the collection sites.