
The Best of June: Events Your Family Can Celebrate This Month

Pride Month, Donut Day, Juneteenth and more!

By Macaroni KID June 1, 2023

June: The time most of us say a fond farewell to another school year, the month when summer officially kicks in, and, if you can believe it, the month that marks the halfway point of the year. How is 2023 already half over?

We've put together a list of 10 events and holidays taking place in June. All we can say? Get ready for a great month ahead!

 inkdrop via Canva

LGBTQ+ Pride Month

LGBTQ+ Pride events, including parades, parties, picnics, and much more, are organized nationwide this month to celebrate Pride Month. Along with celebrations, this is also a chance for those in the LGBTQ+ community and their allies to show support and highlight important legislation and policies affecting the LGBTQ+ community. June 1-30 

 Andrea Izzotti via Canva

National Ocean Month

The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface and is where life began 3.5 billion years ago ... and yet about 95 percent of the ocean remains unexplored! Celebrate National Ocean Month by learning more about the world's amazing bodies of water — from the Atlantic to the Pacific and the Great Lakes in between! 

But there's nothing like actually going to an ocean, lake, or creek to really appreciate them ... so get out there and explore! June 1-30

Mihai Constantin from Pexels

National Donut Day

Do-nut let this day go by without a celebration. Get one ... or a dozen! Friday, June 2

 Getty Images via Canva 

National Cheese Day

What's better than donuts? Cheese! Serve the kids grilled cheese tonight — better yet, teach them to make their own! This sandwich isn't just for kids, either. Check out our 3 delicious twists on the classic sandwich. Sunday, June 4

 Laks-Art via Canva

Eat Your Vegetables Day

Well, we've celebrated donuts and cheese this month. Guess we should also include a few veggies in the mix! Want to get your kids excited about vegetables? Plant a garden together. No room? You can also plant many veggies in pots! Here are 10 benefits of gardening with kids. Saturday, June 17

 DragonImages via Canva

International Picnic Day

Everyone loves a picnic! You can head to your favorite park for an elaborate grill out or simply throw a blanket down in your backyard and serve PB&Js. The joy of a picnic is in spending time together enjoying the outdoors. That amazing potato salad? Well, that's just a bonus. Need some help planning? Check out 5 Tips for a Perfect Picnic with the Family from our sister site, Hulafrog. Sunday, June 18

 GeorgeRudy via Canva

Father's Day

Celebrate all the men in your life who have taken on the role of dad. Sunday, June 18

 FamVeld via Canva

June Solstice

Summer is officially here! Get outside and celebrate! Wednesday, June 21